Thursday, July 22, 2010

London - What to expect...Especially For people visiting for holiday

People from all parts of the world would love to visit London at some point of time. I would like to cover few things which the trip adviser, things to do section does not cover. So here we go....

I would say if you are on holiday visit to London, then i would prefer you to plan during the summer time in London, so that you could go places and also you get a long hours bright day which helps you to cover lot of places before dark. So the summer here starts from April middle till September every year.

Important Note:-
 Dont think it is summer, so you could have your suitcase full of minis which are long waiting in your cupboards. You may also need the jackets , umbrella , shawls etc...You will need them for sure. So have atleast one set of them. If you are not taking my words, then be ready to spend in pounds for the same as one of my cousin did ;)

OK lets start with sight seeing..No no.. before that,how will you reach your hotel?? Once you reach the Heathrow airport, if you have your friends an relatives to pick u up, then well and good. If not and if you are staying in any hotels and especially in central London, You have a direct train from terminal 5 to central London. If you are very tired after your flight journey and cant wait to buy tickets,then catch a taxi which will cost you apprrox 80 pounds to central london.

Basic essentials :-

Once you unpack your things,you will want to buy your basic essentials  for your stay like milk, water, Kellogg,sim card top up, creams etc.So where to get them? Check for a store called Sainsbury's. You have lot more chains like Asda, Tesco, Morrisons etc... But i feel Sainsbury's is more reachable  It has lots of branches all over UK (Like Ralfes in U.S and Nilgiris in India). Open your laptop, connect to internet and go to google maps. Put in your hotel address and search for Sainsbury's, here we go...So get your stuffs there and get settled.So before starting your sight seeing you need to buy one thing which is very very useful in UK. Its nothing but the Oyster card. This a card which you can use it in both bus and train. Unlike in U.S here in Uk the public transportation is awesome. In U.S you  have to have a personl vehicle to go around places,even if you are there for few months. But in London you have 24hrs bus and train services, which is great. So get on to the nearest tube station and get an oyster card, as well pick up a London connection rail services map. To get more information about oyster card , train and bus services between any two desired locations the below link will be useful.

All Set to Rock...

Now you are all set to Explore London. First thing that strike everyone when they think of London is the River Thames, London eye, Big Ben. So to start your Holiday in london by exploring The attractions in London. You have several london sight seeing tours available and arranged by different companies. The one i went is the Original tour London.An open top bus with a tour guide,or you have an option of having an audio guide with 8 different languages of your choice. It covers all major attractions and the best part of this is you have a hop on hop off facility in between the tours. Also you have a free Thames river cruise. You can book you tickets online anywhere around the world and it is valid for 6 months. Once you start your tour by getting into the open top bus it is valid for 24hrs. This tour wiill cover all major attractions in London. To get more info about the original tour click this

Will give you few tips and information about areas you must cover in and around london in my next post..To Be Continued...


  1. Hey thats a nice start Mridula..:)
    - Aarthi.

  2. Thanks Arthi..The second part is posted..
