Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Night Shift Job – Tips For Better Sleep

There are millions of people who work the graveyard shift. They start at 8PM at night and end their shift at 5AM in the morning. Working a graveyard shift can be challenging because most everyone else is awake during the day having fun, eating and working. Many times graveyard shift workers want to also stay awake during the day interacting with friends and family. There are healthy ways of helping yourself to stay awake if you work a graveyard shift.

Sleep as much as you can during the day. For example, if you get home by 5:30AM go straight to bed and sleep at least eight hours. Eight hours of sleep starting at 5:30AM would be till 1:30PM in the afternoon. You can socialize or do anything that you need to do between 1:30PM till 7:30PM at night. So you would be awake for six hours during the day.

To help you get sleep during the day purchase some curtains such as cellular shades that would keep the room dark. Eat regularly. You are more likely to be tired if you are hungry. Make sure you have three main meals and snacks every so often. Having a regular pattern for eating will help keep your belly full and your mind alert.

Play music at work. You can either bring a radio or wear headphones depending on what is allowed at your workplace. Play upbeat music at work. Soft relaxing music can make you feel drowsy and lead you to fall asleep.

Splash your face with cold water to keep you awake. Cold water will wake up those relaxed muscles that are ready to fall asleep. You can do this every hour or as often as you if needed.

Sleep is very important to over all health. The shift worker is especially susceptible to sleep problems stomache and digestive issues, etc. Because of the way we are designed the body regulates itself based on the rhythm. At night our digestive system slows down, hormone levels change and the body makes melatonin (the sleep hormone), blood pressure, heart beat etc. change at night. So it is important to be more careful what you eat and drink, also keep active during breaks at night and have a light meal before you go to bed. No caffene for at least 4 hours prior to sleep and no exercise or exciting movies, etc. before bed time.


  1. thanks for answering my comment in one of ur previous post... this was informative...

  2. Excellently written. Very much useful for my entire organisation. Thanks.. Keep the good work!!!
