Thursday, March 18, 2010

Snoring - Reasons Behind Snoring and How to Stop It.

Snoring is a common problem with a lot of people, especially males. This embarrassing difficulty can lead to serious medical conditions.

Snoring is a resonant sound that emerges from the mouth and/or nose during sleep. This sound is the result of a vibration that occurs in the airway. At night, the soft tissues of the airway relax and thus flatten the airway. The air, thus, has to come out with force, leading to the vibration of these tissues. The narrower the airway, the louder the snoring.

Causes of Snoring

Some of the major causes of snoring occur due to problems associated with the respiratory tract due to allergies (hay fever, asthma), medications for allergies and cold and flu. In all these cases, the airway becomes clogged, leading to snoring. Enlarged adenoids or tonsils can also lead to snoring. A disproportionately large tongue can also be a factor. Alcohol consumption is also implicated in snoring since alcohol causes throat muscles to collapse and dilates blood vessels, which can lead to the swelling of throat tissues. Snoring also occurs in the elderly due to weakening of muscles and tissues in the throat.
A person may snore with either the mouth closed or open. If the snoring is with mouth open, then the throat tissues are responsible for the problem. If snoring occurs with mouth closed, then the position of the tongue is a possibility in snoring. Usually people snore when lying on the back. But if a person snores regardless of sleeping position, it could signify a bigger problem and the person could require medical treatment to cure the problem.

Snoring Facts
Snoring is made worse by alcohol or sleeping tablets
 Overweight people are more prone to snoring
      Sleeping on your back increases the chances of snoring
      Colds, nasal polyps and allergies make snoring worse
      Older people often snore due to muscular weakness that occurs with age
      Medications may cause dryness or minor irritation of the nasal passageways and increase  the incidence of snoring
      A larger than usual uvula can limit airflow

Injuries to the nose that result in a deviation of the septum may result in snoring
     Smokers are twice as likely to snore


Self Help Ideas to prevent or minimize snoring


1.If you're overweight try to lose some of it

2.Avoid alcohol and rich foods like chocolates before bedtime and eat healthy foods generally
3.Stop smoking

4.Try raising your head by putting pillows under it
5.Sleep on your side. Some people sew a tennis ball on the back of their night clothes to help them
Blow your nose before going to bed.


Problems of Snoring

 If none of the remedies work,consult a doctor.Although snoring is a problem not regarded as serious by most people, it can lead to very serious medical conditions like heart disease, stroke, headaches during the day, heartburn and a weakened immune system. Probably the most serious of all the conditions that snoring can cause is sleep apnea. In this condition, breathing stops during sleep. Sleep apnea can be fatal -- the sufferer may die during sleep due to discontinuation of breathing. Other problems due to sleep apnea can be traced to the buildup of carbon dioxide in the blood leading to heart disease, stroke and brain damage.

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