Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Apple Iphone 4 Features in detial

Iphone 4 is soooo much more than just another new product.This will have a lasting impact on the way we actually connect to each other.

In 2007 iphone reinvented the phone, 2008 iphone 3G got faster reaching networking and revoutionary applications store. In 2009 iphone 3gs was twice as faster and brought new features like video recording. For 2010 iphone 4 is the biggest leap forward since the original iphone.

Introducing the amazing iphone 4 with retina display and for brining video calling to the world.This is called as fase time and it will change the way we communicate for ever.


The face time call is incredible. It is all about connecting people.You call them and as well as you can see them.Also It switches from front camera to back camera,so you can show someone what you are actuallu seeing at that point of call. Another one important feature as it is very easy to handle, as your phone you can chat anytime with anyone using WIFI.

Retina display.

Iphone 4 has the highest resolution display ever built in a phone.It has 326 pixels per inch, you get four times pixels as before.As a result instead of fusiness in individual pixels you get a smooth continous shapes. You have somthing that looks to your eyes like a printed page in ur hand which is very clear.

Optical Lamination :-

Another important feature which adds to sharpness and clarity is the optical laminiation.It is a very precise technical process that laminate  cover glass to display and eliminates light refraction. So much hard work is put into this ultra high resolution display which gives the ultra visual clarity.

On top of all these ips technology and LED back light help to get most vivd experience in evreything we do.

Display in Iphone 4 is brilliant.It shows more detail ever seen in any device.Text is also perfect.

(940 * 640 pixels) - 4 times more pixels than 3GS
800 : 1 Contrast ratio - (4 times more than 3 GS )

Multitasking :-

Iphone 4 enables us to do multitasking and it quickly swtiches between applications.It is evrything exactly as u liked it.We can easily organise them and find them with a touch. You have to just drag and drop. Automatically it creates a new folder also intrestingly a suitable name to the folder.Mail on iphone 4  is incredible. You can see all your mails in  multiple accout in a single unified inbox. It forms a thread and also helps us to view messages easily of one particular topic.

Pictures taken in 5 megapixel camera which is mind blowing.You will have led flash so u can take a snap in low light too. Camera captures 25p high definition video. It not only captures, you can edit immediately using your Iphone.It is very user friendly. But behind there is intense technology involved.

A4 processor

A4 processor chip is a custom designed and its remarkable.It gives tremendous speed in a really small chip.Only thing which you find big is the battery.

All New Design :- 

Iphone 4 is 9.3 mm thick which is 24% thinner than the previous one.This is thinnest smart phone on the planet.

It is smaller and thinner.New stainless steell,incredibly strong steel frame which funtions as antenna and also as a primary structure.Custom glass which is 30 times harder used both front and bag.

Finally all the hard work , Quality, advance technology becomes relevant only when u hold it in your hand :-)
So you can start ordering online by June 24th if you are in U.S , Germany , Uk , France & Japan.

Cost :-
Two varieties :- Assuming 1 $ = Rs 45

1. 16GB Apple iPhone4 - 199$ = Rs 8955
2. 32GB Apple iPhone 4 - 299 $ = Rs 13455

Enjoy !

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