Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Night Shift Job – Tips For Better Sleep

There are millions of people who work the graveyard shift. They start at 8PM at night and end their shift at 5AM in the morning. Working a graveyard shift can be challenging because most everyone else is awake during the day having fun, eating and working. Many times graveyard shift workers want to also stay awake during the day interacting with friends and family. There are healthy ways of helping yourself to stay awake if you work a graveyard shift.

Sleep as much as you can during the day. For example, if you get home by 5:30AM go straight to bed and sleep at least eight hours. Eight hours of sleep starting at 5:30AM would be till 1:30PM in the afternoon. You can socialize or do anything that you need to do between 1:30PM till 7:30PM at night. So you would be awake for six hours during the day.

To help you get sleep during the day purchase some curtains such as cellular shades that would keep the room dark. Eat regularly. You are more likely to be tired if you are hungry. Make sure you have three main meals and snacks every so often. Having a regular pattern for eating will help keep your belly full and your mind alert.

Play music at work. You can either bring a radio or wear headphones depending on what is allowed at your workplace. Play upbeat music at work. Soft relaxing music can make you feel drowsy and lead you to fall asleep.

Splash your face with cold water to keep you awake. Cold water will wake up those relaxed muscles that are ready to fall asleep. You can do this every hour or as often as you if needed.

Sleep is very important to over all health. The shift worker is especially susceptible to sleep problems stomache and digestive issues, etc. Because of the way we are designed the body regulates itself based on the rhythm. At night our digestive system slows down, hormone levels change and the body makes melatonin (the sleep hormone), blood pressure, heart beat etc. change at night. So it is important to be more careful what you eat and drink, also keep active during breaks at night and have a light meal before you go to bed. No caffene for at least 4 hours prior to sleep and no exercise or exciting movies, etc. before bed time.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Information about Windows 7


Windows 7 is overall better then Windows XP. Windows XP may be a little bit faster in some
areas then Windows 7 but when it comes to overall performance and security Windows 7 is
better. You can NOT upgrade inplace to Windows 7 from XP.To install Windows 7 on an XP partition you need to custom install and wipe the XP instalation. That means you loose all data on that partition, so backup first.Otherwise use another drive or partition.

+ Home Group - This allows for simple networking of computers. All you have to do is give each computer the passcode and then they can share files.
+ You have the ability to "snap" windows to the side and top of the screen just by clicking on the bar and taking your mouse over to the side. This allows you to show two documents side by side.
+ The calculator now has many different modes including scientific, programmer, and statistics.
+ By hitting the windows key on your keyboard and then typing any word you want to search for, Windows 7 will quickly populate all applications and documents that have those words. No longer do you need to browse through multiple files to find the program or document you need.
Play To Option Play music, photos, and videos from your PC to media devices connected to your home network.so you can send media from your PC to other compatible devices in your home.
Windows Touch Option Ever wish you could just point at what you want and move things around with your hand? With a touch-sensitive screen and Windows 7, you can use your fingers to do more with your touch screen PC.

What are (some of) the disadvantages to upgrading and the Windows 7 operating system itself?

Full re-image of all PC’s Many in the IT world who have already had the opportunity to tinker with the RC have advised that it is in the best interests of end-users to completely wipe XP from the machine and begin with Windows 7. I obviously can’t warranty this having not had the opportunity to work with Windows 7 Enterprise, however the concept does not seem too far fetched. Granted, an upgrade from XP is possible, however the surest solution for compatibility will always be a full installation. If the computer had previously been upgraded from an even older version of Windows (i.e. 95, 98, NT, ME, etc.) prior to XP, a complete install in lieu of an upgrade would pretty much be mandatory. Either way, if a firm decides that it is best to start fresh with a Windows 7 install, this can require extensive labor and downtime for end-users. Again, whether a full install occurs or not will be unique to each firm’s IT policies, staff, resources and upgrade path.
“Runs great on…expensive, high end hardware.”I use Linux primarily, however I also run Vista 64-bit and it is lightning fast, applications load instantly and I have never had the system lock-up or crash in 9 months. Why? I have an Intel Extreme Quad Core QX9650 with 8 GB of RAM. With these specifications it should obviously have no problem running smoothly. This type of hardware profile, with all the bells and whistles enabled, is not practical for a law firm to deploy to every end user just to have their operating system run smoothly. It would cost a small fortune to run even a law firm with 50 employees. In order to run Windows 7 at full speed, a firm may have to invest in substantially greater hardware than they are accustomed to or would normally purchase. The Intel Core 2 Duo with 2 GB of RAM that was once so coveted could probably run Vista Basic, but without the effects and gloss that users are really looking for. While Windows 7 has improved upon system performance since the release of Vista, the hardware that once comfortably ran XP may need a tune up.
Vendor, where art thou? Not every vendor can fully support Windows 7 right out of the box, and software conflicts or issues could easily develop (thus, the suggestion that a firm discuss it with their vendors in advance and testing in a VM). Hardware drivers, such as printers, scanners, copiers and digital cameras, will also need to be reviewed for compliance.

Ultimately, what should a firm do?

No matter what direction the firm chooses, I would strongly suggest an 8 month evaluation of Windows 7. While this might seem excessive, for large law firms with hundreds of users (and different machine configurations, remote access, servers, etc.) this is a vital step. It is imperative that an operating system upgrade not be rushed in any capacity, both for end users and the IT infrastructure that must exist in support of it.

First and foremost, purchase a copy of Windows 7 when it is available and test for at least 3 months using VirtualBox or another virtual machine tool. The test should include an installation of all firm related software that could be used by anyone at the firm, to include attorneys, paralegals, IT and litigation support. Build a Concordance database. Test the viewer functionality of IPRO. OCR a batch of documents using LAW. Import a series of transcripts using LiveNote. Test the newest features of CaseMap 8. Create a new set of issues in a Summation iBlaze project. Evaluate Outlook’s performance with the variety of plug-ins and tools currently employed. Basically, test the software within the practical environment that it will live in.

Second, after a thorough testing in the incubator of a VM, deploy a Windows 7 upgrade to a batch of users that represent a solid sampling of the firm. This would include a representative group from every area of the firm, from the computer systems in the mail room to the equity partners and firm administration. Surveys should be conducted before the upgrade to review expectations, and should also be completed incrementally as they gain exposure to the new Windows 7 environment. The duration of this program would depend on the needs of the firm, and this time frame offers an excellent opportunity to review the training program that all users will be provided with. An upgrade to Windows 7 also brings along many other upgrades, such as the latest version of Internet Explorer. The IT Dept. will also benefit from the initial testing, as there are several software upgrades that need to be implemented to maximize the functionality of Windows 7 for end-users. The extra time enables troubleshooting to occur in a limited scope.

Third, speak with all vendors or software providers who have solutions currently deployed and employed within the firm. Will they be supporting Windows 7? When and to what degree? Have they tested their product using the latest RC? Were there any known issues? Do support contracts need to be re-negotiated because of an operating system upgrade? How knowledgeable are their staff in using Windows 7 and what type of training program have they been exposed to? All of these questions are best asked as early in the Windows 7 upgrade process as possible.

Fourth, evaluate existing hardware solutions, review for compliance and discuss with the firm leadership the potential costs associated with the upgrade (i.e. the need to possibly purchase new hardware or upgrades). This is also an extremely important factor for firms that have multiple offices. Many firms might arrive at the conclusion that an upgrade to Windows 7 would be possible and best for their users, however the potential cost in upgrading new equipment may price the solution out of the market.

Recommendation #1: Please keep in mind, an upgrade is not required, at least not until support for XP ends in 2014. However, if your firm is currently using Windows XP and you have decent hardware already in place, upgrade gradually and offer users a variety of training resources (web, print, live).
Recommendation #2: If your firm adopted Vista as a primary solution, an upgrade to Windows 7 will provide a few new features, but it is by no means mandatory. For firms in this position, or one with a mix of both XP and Vista systems, it may be in your best interest to wait until the release of the Windows 7 SP1 or even SP2.

Overall, although an upgrade will take time, money, teamwork, project management and manpower, the ultimate goal of the upgrade must be evaluated against whether or not it provides users with a stronger solution than the one currently in place. Firms will have to decide for themselves and evaluate each factor independently. This is a very exciting time in the world of computing, especially as resources previously thought unfathomable within an operating system are now being included within the product itself. Microsoft is slowly emerging a product that can become a “complete” offering, in the sense that it meets many of the needs others turn to third party providers for. While there are advantages and disadvantages to an upgrade, if Windows 7 is well received, the life of the product could be twice as long as XP.
Ref :-Microsoft , pC world..

Margali Masam Special..

The month of Margazhi (Margasirsh in Sanskrit) or Danur masam of the Hindu calendar is considered extremely holy. Shivas ArudraDarshan comes in this month. Vaikunda Ekadasi comes in this month. Aandals Tiruppavai and Manikkavasagars Tiruvempavai is chanted during this month. Music stands tall. Temples have special early morning pooja (Ushat Kala Pooja). In Bagavadgita Krishna himself says, Masanam Margaseersho Asmi.

Leaving behind Hinduisim, Christmas and the Christian new year falls within this month. Bakrid of Islam comes within this month. Buddhists, Jains and also Sikhs consider this month Holy. Some tribes have their Harvest Fest within this month. Many countries celebrate various traditional fest during this month.

The month is of great spiritual significance. The Tamil holy scriptures Tiruppavai and Tiruvembavai are read in the temples of Lord Vishnu during this month. Another unique feature is the reading of the four Vedas. The two month long pilgrimage season to Sabarimala Ayyappa Temple comes to and end in Margazhi.

The month is also noted for its numerous music concerts. Another unique feature of the month is the beautiful kolams (rangoli) drawn on streets and in the courtyard of houses. Morning Bajans and Temple Prasadasm, Venpongal are very important in this month. In my younger yesrs I never missed the Perumal Koil Ven Pongal.Koil Prasadams has special taste, probably it is the prasadam of God.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Tips to Fall Asleep Faster and Stay Asleep Longer

How many times have you found yourself lying awake in bed, long after bedtime, just
waiting to drift off - or worse, trying to force yourself to sleep? Most of us will have trouble getting to sleep at one time or another, and taking medications to aid sleep is not usually an appealing option. The next time you’re having trouble shutting off your mind and getting to sleep, you can help the situation with no chemicals using just a few simple steps.

1. Don’t exercise for at least 3 hours before bed. Exercising increases blood flow and wakes you up. Getting in your daily workout just before bedtime will keep your heart rate elevated and make it difficult to calm down enough to sleep.

2. Keep the TV and computer off for 30 to 60 minutes before bed. The light from the screens can trick your body into thinking that it’s still daylight and not time for sleeping. Read, write in a notebook, or listen to soothing music at a quiet volume just before bed.

3. While we’re on the subject of food: try not to eat for at least four hours before bedtime. Eating too close to sleeping time can lead to heartburn, which is likely to keep you awake most of the night.

4. You’ve heard this one before, but it’s one of the best pieces of sleep advice around: wake up and go to sleep at the same time every day. Your body will become conditioned to follow this schedule, meaning that you will become tired and be able to fall asleep at a predictable time every night.

5. Don’t read, watch TV, or work in bed. Associating waking activities with your sleeping space can confuse your body and make it more difficult to use that space for sleeping.

6. Try telling yourself a story in your head. Make it a calm and cheerful story and focus on nothing else. This will help you to block out the day’s events and all of the other thoughts that can swirl around in your mind and make it difficult to find sleep.

7. Set the stage for sleep. Make your sleeping space as quiet, dark, and pleasant as possible. Clean sheets, room-darkening drapes, and a pair of earplugs will all help to make the room as sleep-conducive as possible.

8. If all else fails, there are some very good self-hypnosis MP3s out there which can help you get to sleep peacefully and naturally. The relaxation methods you learn from these programs can help you learn to fall asleep on your own even without listening to the program.

9. Nicotine is a stimulant. That bedtime cigarette may be what’s keeping you up at night. Don’t smoke before bed or if you wake up in the middle of the night.12. Your body’s systems are slowed and sluggish at lower temperatures, so sleeping in a cooler room may do the trick for you. Many people find it impossible to sleep when the room is too hot; turn on your air conditioner, take off your socks, or turn on an overhead fan to get your bedroom to a comfortable sleeping temperature in the summer.

Long-term insomnia may be indicative of a medical problem, so see a doctor if your sleep disturbances continue for more than a couple of weeks.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Kandhasamy - Movie Review

Verdict: Visual extravaganza!
Cast: Vikram, Shreya, Vadivelu, Prabhu, Ashish Vidhyarthy, Alex, Susi Ganesan, Krishna Camera: NK Ekambaram
Music: Devi Sri Prasad
Direction: Susi Ganesan
Producer: Kalaipuli S Thanu
PRO: Diamond Babu

Kandhasamy is a commercial masala movie but comes with the Midas touch of master craftsmen like Susi Ganesan and Vikram. Also the film has been released at the right season when the audiences are tired of a series of crap movies. The Vikram-Thanu-Susi Ganesan combination is to become the biggest winner of this season with a perfect, hi-styled commercial film with an evergreen theme i.e., the emergence of superhero against the corruption in the system! At the same time, we are sure that the film is not an usual superhero movie. Undoubtedly it is one of the finest imaginations of a creator like Susi Ganesan with the help of a good producer like Thanu. Really Thanu deserves this victory, as a producer who is passionate about Tamil cinema.
The film opens with scenes which show the poor people praying at a Murugan Temple at the outskirts of Chennai. They simply send their prayers to Kandhasamy, another Tamil name of Lord Muruga in the temple through a letter and tie it to a tree (known as petition tree) in front of the temple. After few minutes, our Kandhasamy (also the name of our hero Vikram) collects the letters and helps them according to their needs. Mostly people request financial helpfrom God!After a few incidents Kandasamy becomes the local god for the prople. His Robinhood style of helping the poor soon catches the attention of the police. The local DIG of Police (Prabhu) suspects that there is something unnatural about it and starts his investigations. Meanwhile, our hero has the other face as a strict, powerful and intelligent CBI officer Kandhasamy! He is on a mission to find out black money and illegal wealth of the rich and corrupt Indians stashed in foreign banks, which he believes is responsible for all the crime in our society. Soon he clashes with Pallur Paramajyoti Ponnusamy (Ashish Vidyarti), the man with a golden tooth and greedy heart. Kandhasamy conducts a raid in his palatial bungalow and finds unaccounted cash and documents of various foreign deals including his Mexican connections worth over Rs 1000 crore! Ashish Vidyarthy is devastated after the raid and his only daughter Subbalakshmi (Shreya Saran) swears revenge and pretends to fall in love with Kandhasamy. At a stage it gets exposed that both the Kandhasamys are the same. But a senior official in the CBI protects Kandhasamy in this critical situation.

What makes Kandhasamy to do all these Robinhood activities? Why does this senior officer protects him? Will the DIG succeed in proving that Kandhasamy is no God? For all these answers see the movie!
Though the story is looks like a mixture of Anniyan and Sivaji - The Boss, Susi Ganesan succeeds in providing a 3.15 minutes roller coaster entertaiment with all the needy ingredients without any questions even in some illogical moments. The introduction scene of the hero is outstanding. The Mexican portion is stunning. And technically this film is another milestone in Tamil cinema. As per the limitations of the movie the length is definitely not a plus point. Susi must reconsider the length of a few portions particularly the scenes involving the villains. Vikram rocks as a CBI officer Kandhasamy and as a local Robinhood. He has given a new dimension to the characters he play in the film and has steered it to the winning post. Particularly, his appearance with a rooster head and different costume steals the show. The highlight is Kandhasamy dressed as a woman (like Aishwarya Rai). The presence of Charly and Mayilsamy make the scene very hilarious. Certainly, Kandhasamy is another feather in the golden cap of this fantastic actor. Ace comedian Vadivelu rocks in the role as Thenkakadi Thenappan. Surely he is a major plus point for this magnum opus. Prabhu fits well in the role of an investigating officer. Susi Ganesan also appears in a cameo role. Shreya, as a heroine has done her role well. Her stylish look and impeccable professional approach makes her role close to the viewers heart. Devi Sri Prasad's music is another pleasing element in the film. All the songs have come out well and the outstanding camera work of NK Ekambaram makes the film as a high class entertainment.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

10 Hot Home Theater Systems

1: Kipnis' Outer Limits Theater

For the ultimate, never-gonna-get-it setup, we can look toward the living room of music producer Jeremy Kipnis. Most people, if they had $6 million to burn, would do many things. Maybe they'd buy a house or a couple of new cars. Kipnis didn't do any of these things. With $6 million, he instead built a gigantic, state-of the art home theater system, which has become known variously as "Kipnis' Outer Limits Theater," "The Kipnis Studio Standard Experience," or "The Greatest Show on Earth." This, of course, wasn't your typical, home-theater-in-a-box situation, as no home-theater-in-a-box exists for such a high price tag. Kipnis chose the separate elements and put them together, including the ultra-high resolution (4,096 by 2,160) Sony SRX-R110 Digital Cinema Projector, 8.8-channel sound with 16 18-inch (45.7-centimeter) subwoofers, a Sony Playstation 3 and top-of-the-line Blu-ray, HD-DVD, DVD, VHS and Laserdisc players. The couch in his living room, however, only sits three, so make sure you grab a seat if you're ever invited to witness The Greatest Show on Earth.

2: Bose 3-2-1 Series III

The Bose 3-2-1 Series III, built with graphite-grey casings, offers a high end but compact system.
­The Bose 3-2-1 Series III is, as the name suggests, the company's third installment of the 3-2-1 group. This home theater system is a compact one, offering imitation surround sound with just two speakers and a subwoofer. The Series III DVD player and tuner is also small, measuring at 13.4 inches (13 centimeters) high by 10 inches (25.4 centimeters) wide by 3.3 inches (8.4 centimeters) deep. Whereas the Series II didn't include HDMI, the Series III corrects that and makes it easy to connect to an HDTV and upscale any standard DVDs to 1080p.
The high price of the Series III ($950) may scare off any budget shoppers, but those with the cash and a penchant for graphite might want to look into the package.

3: Pioneer HTS-GS1
The Pioneer HTS-GS1 matches the style of the Xbox 360 and enhances sound during high-performance gaming.
­Video gamers can be pretty picky about their setups -- sometimes a specific type of controller will be the only thing that feels right, or a high-definition television will offer the best visuals and display a game's graphics the way they should be seen.
For Xbox 360 owners looking for a little more pizzazz for their gaming experience, the ultimate may be the Pioneer HTS-GS1. This home theater package is designed to match the style of the Xbox 360 console and enhance the experience with its sound system. Geared toward small-to-medium sized rooms, the HTS-GS1 offers easy-to-follow instructions for setup and configuration with the 360. On top of offering 5.1-channel surround sound for the console, the home theater system also enhances DVDs, CDs and MP3 files that can play on the Xbox. Prices for the Pioneer HTS-GS1 range from $240 to $330.

4: Sony DAV-IS10
The Sony DAV-IS10 speakers are about the size of a golf ball, giving consumers more options in terms of placement.
Not everyone's living room allows for home theater systems to fit perfectly. Many packages come with speakers or subwoofers that are simply too big, and even if you can mount accessories on walls, they might look garish and out-of-place, ruining any sense of comfort in your entertainment space.
­Many manufacturers are trying to shrink home theater systems, making speakers small while keeping the sound big. The Sony DAV-IS10, for instance, offers speakers as small as golf balls, so they can go in nearly any space in your room. The package is also high definition, offering DVD upscaling to 720p and 1080i and an HDMI cable. The system will play DVDs, CDs, MP3s from iPods and FM/AM radio, and retailed for around $400.

5: Denon DHT-FS3 The Denon DHT-FS3 offers a simple, elegant package, and you look around some, you might be able to find a good deal on the Internet.
For sleek simplicity that can hide in your living room but still provide sound worthy of a home theater system, the Denon DHT-FS3 stands out. The package includes one speaker and one standalone subwoofer, both of which are very compact -- the speaker measures at 3.75 inches (9.5 centimeters) high by 33.5 inches (85 centimeters) wide by 4.8 inches (12 centimeters) deep and only weighs about 10 pounds (4.5 kilograms), while the subwoofer is 4.25 inches (10.8 centimeters) high by 14.9 inches (37.9 centimeters) wide by 14.25 inches (36.2 centimeters) deep and weighs about 12 pounds (5.4 kilograms). The DHT-FS3 has a shiny piano-black finish, and in a way it does look like a miniature version of a piano section.
The Denon DHT-FS3's list price is as high as $1,200, making it one of the more expensive home theater systems, but an online search can lead to prices as low as $700.

6: Panasonic SC-BT100
The Panasonic SC-BT100 brings Blu-Ray to the home theater system market at a reasonable price.
­Now that the high-definition DVD wars are over and Blu-ray is the sole provider of HD home video, you can expect a lot of systems, including laptop computers and video game consoles, to begin using the format. Home theater system producers have, of course, followed suit, and several in-the-box packages are showing up on the shelves.
One Blu-ray home theater system that's caught people's attention is the Panasonic SC-BT100. The first notable thing about it, aside from the Blu-ray-capability, is its price -- depending on where you purchase it, the SC-BT100 will cost between about $600 and $800. Considering that many home theater systems only play standard DVDs and can go for more than $1,000, the SC-BT100's price could convert anyone who's still on the fence about whether or not to switch to Blu-ray.
The SC-BT100 includes an AV receiver and a set of five speakers; it's 7.1-channel-ready, meaning you'll have to buy an additional set of speakers and wireless receiver to get the full effect

7.Sony HT-CT100

If you're a minimalist and don't like to deal with lots of bulky speakers, the Sony HT-CT100 may be the package for you.
Some home theater systems come with a plethora of accessories. More often than not, the more gadgets included in the package, the more confusing and frustrating it can be to set up everything.­
However, other systems, however, can be pleasantly simple. One popular subsection of the home theater system market is single-speaker audio. If you think that's all there is to it, you're just about right -- single-speaker audio packages typically come with one speaker, often in the shape of a long, rectangular rod, that delivers "faux" surround sound.
­Priced at around $300, the Sony HT-CT100 is one of the leaders in single-speaker audio, offering a small, minimalist setup that includes a subwoofer and a thin soundbar speaker. Manufacturers have perfected these simpler sound systems over the years

8: Panasonic SC-PT760

The SC-PT760 is Panasonic's mid-range home theater system, and it will probably benefit because of it.
­Fo­r anyone with a budget range between $267 and $415, the Panasonic SC-PT760 is a possible candidate for consideration. It offers your typical home-theater-in-a-box specifications -- a five-disc DVD player, 5.1 channel wireless surround sound speakers, HDMI input that upgrades video to 1080p and an iPod dock for iPod integration. The SC-PT760, Panasonic's mid-range system in a group of three, is more popular than its two cousins, the less expensive SC-PT660 ($300) and the more expensive SC-PT960 ($500). The lower-end system scraps the wireless speakers and front speaker stands, making it less convenient than the SC-PT760; the higher-end system, on the other hand, adds tallboy speakers to the mix, an extra that many consumers may find unnecessary and not worth the extra money


The Sony DAV HDX500/I BRAVIA home theater system sets out to impress music lovers as much as movie lovers.
­The Sony DAV-HDX500/i BRAVIA offers many of the typical perks of a home theater system -- a five-disc DVD player, five surround sound speakers and a subwoofer, all ready for the movie lover. The DAV-HDX500/i BRAVIA goes a few extra steps for the music lover, too. The system comes with an iPod dock so digital music fans can play their music over the speakers, and with an XM Radio subscription and the XM Mini-Tuner package, the DAV-HDX500/i BRAVIA is ready for satellite radio listening.
The system also has either 720p or 1080i output via an HDMI digital interface, allowing viewers to upgrade their DVDs' video quality. Sony's DAV-HDX500/i BRAVIA is one of the more affordable home theater systems, selling for about $420.

10: Onkyo HT-S9100THX
Onkyo offers the world's first THX-certified home theater systems.
­If you've ever settled into a movie and been met with a loud, whirring noise accompanied by a huge rumbling, you may have thought the robots were finally taking over and stampeding the theater. Fortunately, if you check the movie screen and see three large letters, "THX," you can rest easy -- the short intro before the film is letting you know that the images and sounds you're about to experience have been given a special seal of approval.
If you're familiar with the THX logo and its association with audio and video performance, then you should give the Onkyo HT-S9100THX a listen. So does Onkyo have anything to do with THX, or is the home theater company just using the letters to get some attention?
As it turns out, the Onkyo HT-S9100THX package is the world's second home-theater-in-a-box -- or "integrated home-theater system," as the two companies like to call it -- that is THX-certified. (The first was an earlier version by Onkyo, the HT-S900THX.) The S9100THX includes a DVD player that can upgrade video to 1080p, a 7.1 channel surround sound system and is priced between $799 and $999.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

10 Tips for Removing Stains

1. Coffee, Tea & Juice If you have an article of clothing with set-in coffee or tea stains, don't despair. Just soak it in a solution of 1 unit vinegar to 2 units water and then hang the item to dry in the sun. Still, the best treatment for coffee or tea stains is to get them when they're fresh. When you tackle the problem right away, the stains usually rinse out eas­ily with some cold water (depending upon the fabric).
Reddish fruit juices of any kind -- cherry, cranberry, blueberry -- can be removed from bleach-safe garments by soaking them in a solution of 1 unit vinegar and 2 units water. Afterward, launder as usual.­

2. Gravy & Grease
Dropping a bit of greasy gravy on your clothes can be a disaster, but not if you act quickly. Immediately after it happens, cover the fresh gravy stain with salt, letting it absorb as much of the grease as possible. Gently brush off the salt. If the stain is still visible, dab it with a cloth dipped in straight vinegar. This method can work for any fresh greasy spot.

3. Mildew
Make a thin paste of lemon juice and salt; spread the paste on mildew stains. Lay out the fabric in the sun to bleach it. Afterward, rinse and dry. Mildew stains on fabric can also be tackled with a paste of salt, vinegar, and water. If the stain is extensive, you can use up to full-strength vinegar.
Some garments may still retain a musty, mildewy smell even after washing. Get rid of the smell by soaking the garments in lemon juice and water and then letting them dry in the sun.

4. Rust

Rust stains give us another laundry situation where cream of tartar is a great green hero -- it has an acidic quality that enables it to break down rust. First, cover the rust stain with cream of tartar. Next, tie up the area surrounding the stain, making the fabric into a pouch. Soak the entire pouch in very hot water for about five to ten minutes, then untie it and launder as usual.
Salt and vinegar also work well as rust removers on fabric. Combine salt and vinegar into a thin paste and then spread the paste onto the stained area of the fabric. Next, lay the item out in the sun to bleach it. If sun is not an option, stretch the fabric over a large bowl or pan, secure the fabric, and pour boiling water through the stained area. Whether you use sun bleaching or the hot water method, allow the item to dry on its own. Run the item through a rinse cycle in your washing machine, or give it a good hand rinsing, and then check the stain again. If any of the stain remains, repeat the treatments. Never put the fabric through the dryer until you're certain the stain is gone.

5. Candle Wax

Handle with cold, then heat. First, place an ice cube on the wax. When the wax is hardened, remove it with a dull knife. Next, get rid of any remaining wax by putting a piece of thick paper (such as a paper bag) flat over the stain. Then press the area with a warm iron; the wax will melt into the paper.

6. Blood
Bloodstains on cotton, linen, or other natural fiber fabrics should be soaked in cold salt water for one hour, then washed using warm water and your usual laundry soap. If you have a fresh bloodstain, cover it with salt and blot it with cold water. Add fresh water and blot until the stain is gone.

7. Red Wine

Red wine can be removed from fabrics in some of the same ways as ink stains. Or, try this: Soak the stained area in water, then make a pouch in the cloth where the wine stain is. Next, pour cream of tartar into the pouched area. Tie the ends of the pouch and then let the garment soak. After soaking, dip it in and out of hot water, then launder as usual.
Say it's a dinner party, and somebody got a little exuberant in conversation. If the red wine stain is fresh, soak up the spill by immediately sprinkling it with baking soda. Next, as soon as possible, stretch the stained fabric over a large bowl or kettle, secure the fabric, and pour boiling water through the stain. Similarly, you can use salt for this purpose by sprinkling it on a spill immediately and letting it soak up the stain. Afterward, soak the stained area in cold water and then launder the garment as usual.

8. Ink
Ink stains are some of the most common types of stains we get on our clothing -- and are among the most stubborn to remove. Like a lot of the stains mentioned here, ink can be tackled with three of our Fantastic Four items: salt, baking soda, and lemon juice.
9. Grass
As anyone who likes to spend time outdoors or has rambunctious children can tell you, trying to remove grass stains from white clothing with the usual laundering techniques can be a challenge. Try soaking the stained item in full-strength vinegar for a half hour or more before washing, then wash as usual.
10. Urine
First, soak the clothing in a solution of hot water and distilled white vinegar. If the fabric is delicate, change the water temperature to cold instead. Let it sit for a half hour, then rinse and wash as usual.­

Friday, August 14, 2009

Yoga Tips

Deriving its philosophy from the Indian metaphysical beliefs, Yoga aims to strike a balance between mind and body and attain self-enlightenment. One of the oldest physical discipline in existence, it makes the use of movement, breath, posture, relaxation and meditation to establish a healthy, lively and balanced approach to life. Yoga brings stability and relaxation to the mind and helps the individual to have a clear thinking. Apart from its cognitive benefits, Yoga serves as the best medium to enhance the beauty and the being of a person. However, performing Yoga requires a person to follow some specific guidelines, in order to achieve best results. There are various do's and don'ts that a person needs to follow before, while and after performing Yoga. To know more about Yoga practicing guide, browse through the following lines.

Tips For Practicing Yoga

The most appropriate time for practicing Yoga is in the morning, before breakfast. This is because it is the time, when our mind is calm, composed and fresh and the body movements can be performed, with considerable ease and vigor.
  1. # To get started, you need to have the urge and confidence in yourself. To practice Yoga, the place chose must be calm, quiet, ventilated, dust free, moisture free and also distraction free.

  2. # Before you start practicing Yoga, it is very important for you to clear your bowels and bladder as well as clean your nostrils and throat of all mucus. You must also drink a glass of lukewarm water. Yoga clothing should be loose and as comfortable as possible. Form-fitting cotton/Lycra pants and shirts are the best.

  3. # Wait for a few minutes and then you can start.

  4. # Like all other work outs, you must begin with easy poses, thereafter you can advance to the tough ones. Be methodical and systematic.

  5. # Remember, to start with your movements should be light and if you feel fatigue in betBoldween you must discontinue.

  6. # Yoga must energize and not cause weariness and depression.

  7. # You must take breaks in between, if a particular step or exercise proves tiring.

  8. # For a person performing Yoga, the diet should be a balanced and you should eat after an interval of 4 hours.

  9. # The quantity of food should be such that it satisfies your appetite. Generally, the ratio composition of meals should be - grains and cereals (30% of the calorific value), dairy products (20%), vegetables and roots (25%), fruits and honey (20%) and nuts (5%).

  10. # Over eating and fasting should be avoided. At the same time, you must try to avoid stale food.

  11. # While performing Yoga, your breathing should be long and deep. You must remember to keep your mouth close and inhale and exhale, only through the nose.

  12. # You should always keep a Yoga mat, made of some comfortable materials. For lying postures use a woolen carpet and spread a clean sheet over it. Remember, while doing yoga, you should not get a feeling of pain or discomfort. If you do, you are not doing it in the right manner or you need to adjust your pose to suit you better.

  13. # If you are a beginner, do not just impinge on doing the tough tasks. Remember, you need to always begin with the easy postures and then, proceed to the difficult ones. You should follow the graded steps of Yoga.

Tips of how to stay young....

1. Laugh & fun, don't be gloomy

2. Let bygones be bygones. Dwelling on the past inflicts unnecessary stress.

3. Early to bed, early to rise, is healthy & wise

4. Stay lean, being just 30% overweight is bad.

5. Keep learning, reading & socializing - an alert & active mind keeps brain cells healthy. 6. Keep working, doing something you like. Don't retire, it slows down your body.

7. Be the boss of your own life. Letting others push you around produces stress.

8. Too many pills ruin your body, take just what you need.

9. Constantly alternating between weight gain & loss is bad

10. Exercise, quit smoking and eat less fatty foods

11. Do not worry about health & death, just get on with your life and enjoy it.

Above all, you should think and feel 'so many years' YOUNG, instead of counting so many years 'old' !

Kaminey Movie review

NDTV Reviews

Movie Review: Kaminey; Star Cast: Shahid Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra, Amole Gupte, Shiv Subramaniam, Chandan Roy Sanyal, Tenzing Nima, Hrishikesh Joshi and Deb Mukherjee; Director: Vishal Bharadwaj; Rating: **** - Is a modern day masterpiece.

Since its promos were out with Delhi-6, Vishal Bharadwaj’s Kaminey immediately caught the attention of the cine goers with its highly infectious Dhan Te Nan number and the crazy character introductions. The curiosity and hype began building up rapidly and the wait seemed unending. So till the time I stepped in the trial show of Kaminey my expectations were sky high. Thankfully, Vishal has delivered what he has promised.

The film narrates the tale of twins Charlie (Shahid) and Guddu (Shahid again) who are poles apart in behaviour and lifestyle. While Guddu the good boy works for a NGO and aims to rise the corporate ladder, Charlie believes in taking shortcuts and ‘chota shortcuts’ to achieve his get rich quick dream. Though they haven’t met each other in years, their lives get entangled as both get ended up in major screw up in their personal lives. What happens then on and how many misunderstanding lead to further chaos forms the rest of the plot.

Hereon, revealing anything more about Kaminey would be spoiling a major part of your fun. There are plenty of sequences which will remain forever etched in your cinematic memory right from Guddu and Charlie’s face off to almost every scene featuring Bhope Bhau (Gupte) and Tashi (Tenzing) to the Dhan Te Nan song and the crazy finale. However, the climax appears to long with the endless shooting going on and on between the multiple gangs. And the songs don’t really appear well placed. But these are minor flaws.

Shahid Kapoor delivers a knock out performance in a double role. Most importantly he succeeds in making us believe his two characters are completely different persons. With his dual act he has emerged as the strongest contender of the Best Actor trophy for 2009. Priyanka Chopra outshines all her previous best performances. Her Marathi dialogue delivery is excellent as she has also managed to catch the small nuances perfectly. Playing Charlie’s idol, Mikhail, Chandan Roy Sanyal’s doped out act is instantly likeable. Marathi stage and cinema actor Hrishikesh Joshi as corrupt cop Lele is good and so is Shiv Subramaniam playing his associate. Back after a long hiatus veteran actor Deb Mukherjee is menacing. Tenzing Nima as Nepali don, Tashi is a hoot. Amongst the crowd of the huge ensemble cast, Amole Gupte manages to create a huge impression with his chilled out Bhau act. His one-liners will have you rolling on the floor laughing.
Kaminey is also an excellent team effort with superb camerawork by Tassaduq Hussein, razor sharp editing by Meghna Manchanda Sen and gritty action by Shyam Kaushal. Vishal Bharadwaj has managed to strike a sixer donning multiple hats as a director, producer, singer, music director, screenplay and dialogue writer. His treatment of Kaminey may be on the lines of Quentin Tarantino and Guy Richie’s caper movies but the stamp of a Vishal Bharadwaj movie seen all over in Omkara is yet again on full display here.

Kaminey is a must watch at any cost. It redefines the rules of Hindi filmmaking and most importantly delivers what it promises. Chances are it may well turn out to be your favourite caper movie ever and wanna watch it again and again.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Honey Face Mask for Anti Aging Skin Care

For Dry Skin: Avocado & Honey Face MaskYou will need:
2 tablespoons of avocado flesh
2 tablespoons honey
1 egg yolk

To form this anti aging skin care face mask, put all the ingredients in a blender, or mash by hand in a bowl. Use your fingers to spread the mask over your face and neck and leave it on for at least 30 minutes, preferably longer, before removing.

For Dry Skin: Honey and Egg Mask
You will need1 tablespoon honey
1 egg yolk
1/2 teaspoon almond oil
1 tablespoon yogurt

Put all ingredients into a large bowl and stir until it becomes sticky and thick. Apply the mask to your face for 5 minutes and wash face thoroughly with a mild facial soap. Honey stimulates and smoothes, egg and almond oil penetrate and moisturize, and yogurt refines and tightens pores.

For Tired Skin: Almond Yoghurt Honey MaskYou will need:6oz plain yoghurt
¼oz finely-crushed almonds
2tsp honey
2tsp wheatgerm oil

Mix all the ingredients into a smooth paste. Apply and massage the mixture into skin. Keep the mask on for 20 minutes.

For Normal Skin: Apple Honey Mask
You will need

1 Apple, cored & quartered
2 Tablespoons Honey

Drop the apple pieces into a food processor and chop. Add honey and refrigerate for 10 minutes. Pat the mixture onto your face with a light tapping motion, tapping until the honey feels tacky. Leave it on for 30 minutes and then rinse.

For Oily Skin: Honey-Papaya Mask

You will need:1/3-cup cocoa
three teaspoons of heavy cream
1/3-cup ripe papaya
1/4-cup honey and three teaspoons of oatmeal powder

Mix and apply on your face. After 10 minutes, wash your face with warm water. This anti aging skin care fask mask helps heal skin blemishes, nourishes, draws out impurities, balances your skin pH, and will leave your skin radiant and soft. Good for acne-prone skin.

Your will need2-3 carrots
4 1/2 table spoons of honey
Cook the carrots and then mash them up. Mix the carrots with honey and refrigerate for 10 minutes. Apply gently to the skin and wait for ten minutes. Rinse off with cool water. Carrots are known to be rich in vitamin A and C. They are also rich in potassium. Vitamin A and C are antioxidants. Honey contains sugar, enzymes, minerals, vitamins and amino acids.

For Sensitive Skin: Banana and Honey MaskYou will need
1/2 mashed banana
1/4 cup oatmeal, cooked with milk
1 egg
1/2 tablespoon honey

Mix ingredients together. Massage onto face in a slow, circular motion and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse with tepid water. Oatmeal is high in nourishing vitamins and minerals; it gently cleanses and heals skin. Bananas contain vitamin A; eggs contain lecithin, a natural skin emollient; and honey helps to maintain the skin’s natural acid mantle.

For All Skin Types: Honey and Lavender Facial Mask
You will need:1 tablespoon raw honey
3 drops lavender essential oil

Mix the ingredients, dampen your face with warm water, and smooth on the honey and lavender mixture. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes. Then rinse off with warm water.

Honey is Better than Cough Syrup

The following article suggests that there is a natural and better way of curing children’s cough. Have you tried it?The Times, December 4, 2007 Honey is better than children’s cough syrups for a silent night
By David Rose

Natural honey is a more effective remedy for children’s coughs than over-the-counter medicines, researchers say. A dose of buckwheat honey before bedtime easily outperformed a cough suppressant in a US study.
Honey did a better job of reducing the severity and frequency of night-time coughs. It also improved sleep quality for children and their parents.

Dextromethorphan (DM), the active ingredient in many cough mixtures sold in chemists and supermarkets, had no significant impact on symptoms. Honey has been used in medicine for centuries, not only to treat coughs and bronchitis but also to assist the healing of wounds. For coughs it is often mixed with lemon, ginger or brandy.

Ian Paul, who led the researchers from Penn State College of Medicine in Hershey, Pennsylvania, said: “We hope that medical professionals will consider the positive potential of honey as a treatment, given the lack of proven efficacy, expense, and potential for adverse effects associated with the use of DM.” DM can cause severe involuntary muscle contractions and spasms, the researchers said. Cases of teenagers using the drug to get “high” were also common, they said.

Dr Paul’s team observed 105 children and teenagers with respiratory tract infections. The study ran over two nights. On the first, none of the participants was given any treatment. On the second, they were divided into groups who received either honey, an artificial honey-flavoured DM medicine or no treatment, about half an hour before bedtime.

Parents answered questions about their child’s symptoms and sleep quality, as well as their own ability to sleep. They rated honey as significantly better for the relief of symptoms. The findings are reported today in the journal Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine.

— The Food Standards Agency says that honey should not be fed to children under the age of 1 due to the risk of the bacteria Clostridium botulinum.

Mumbai orders schools, malls, cinemas shut

IBN Live: Breaking News
All educational institutions and public places in India's financial capital Mumbai will be closed for a week from Thursday onwards to arrest the spread of H1N1 influenza that has claimed 11 lives in Maharashtra so far. Malls and multiplexes will be shut down for three days.

"The government has ordered the closure of all schools, colleges and other educational institutions in the city from tomorrow till Aug 20. Similarly, malls, theatres and multiplexes shall be closed for three days from tomorrow as a precaution," a state government official told IANS.

Many private schools in the state have already closed down for two days -- Wednesday and Thursday. Thereafter, Friday, Saturday and Sunday are official holidays.

However, there was confusion over the fate of other business and commercial establishments and whether they would continue to function as usual in the city.

In the past 12 hours, the swine flu toll in the state shot up to 11 with four more deaths reported, three from Pune and one from Nashik.

The virus, hitherto restricted to Mumbai, Pune and Satara has now spread to the fourth district, Nashik

Monday, August 10, 2009

Swine flu: What parents need to know

# If your child has fever, throat infection, body ache, consult doctor.
#Must go to a doctor at any government facility meant for swine flu.
#Swine flu testing is done only at government hospitals.
#Nose and throat swabs will be taken and tested.
#Child will not be quarantined if there are no symptoms.
#If clinical symptoms exist, child will be hospitalised, and tamiflu will be given only if the tests are positive.
#Act early to ensure quick recovery.
#Rapid screening advised by private hospitals not legal. Do not go for rapid screening as it's not 100 per cent accurate.
In times of crisis the worst thing is to panic so if you or your family member is having flu-like symptoms without wasting time go to the nearest designated hospital or doctor and get tested if he advises.If you have any queries don't listen to rumours and panic, call toll free helplines: 1075 or 1800-11-4377.
Swine flu is certainly curable with timely intervention, correct diagnosis and a five-day medication.
Some specific precautions to be taken against H1N1:
-> A mask to cover your nose and mouth is a must. These are not just regular masks but a special one called N-95 which filter microbes in the air that you inhale and exhale.
->A mask is a must when you are in a high-risk situation particularly when you have to go to a hospital to get tested and you have to be in the waiting room. Also keep the mask on when you are in a crowded place.
->Cover your mouth surely while coughing and sneezing turn your head and cough into your shoulder.
->Wash your hands in case there is body contact with someone who's got cold and cough.
Check the below link for the hospital names in ur city for Swine Flu Treatment : http://alluneedandwant.blogspot.com/2009/08/beware-of-swine-flu.html

Shri Krishna Jayanti or Janmashtami or Gokulashtami.

Gokulashtami or Gokul Ashtami, popularly known as Janmashtami or Sri Krishna Jayanti, celebrates the birthday of Lord Sri Krishna. In 2009, the date of Gokulashtami is August 14. Gokulashtami is celebrated with great fervor in India. In South India it is celebrated in a spectacular way.
In South Indian states – Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh, various temples of Sri Krishna celebrate the fest with utmost devotion. Not only Krishna mandirs, all Vaishnava temples consider the festival as a major one.

Udupi Sri Krishna temple in Karnataka and Guruvayur Guruvayurappa temple in Kerala are the most predominant temples of Sri Krishna in modern times. In Udupi and Guruvayur, Janmashtami festival brings out all the joy and devotion from devotees. In ISKCON Temples in Bangalore and Hyderabad, Gokulashtami celebrations provide a spectacular look and feel.

If you plan to celebrate or perform rituals at home on the day, the ideal method will be to recite the mantra ‘Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya.’ This can be done while performing pujas or throughout the day. Pujas involve offering flowers and performing Arati. Reciting or listening to Srimad Bhagavad Purna or Bhagavatam is highly auspicious on the day. Some devotees observe fast and spend time in temples or listening to discourses.

The main worship in temples takes place at midnight when Lord Krishna was born. It must be remembered here that Lord Krishna is happy with anything that is offered to him in true devotion. Krishna was happy with sweat drenched beaten rice offered by Kuchela or Sudama. He was happy with the last leaf left in Draupadi’s Akaheyapatra. He was content with the gruel in Vidura’s (Dhritarashtra’s minister in Mahabharata) home. So, one need not indulge in complex rituals to please Krishna. Just the japa ‘Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya’ rendered devotionally is more than enough.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Digital Photography Tips

Advanced Techniques

If your camera provides manual control over its functions, you can get a lot more control over the resulting image. The types of advanced techniques will be different depending on the type of camera you have – smaller point-and-shoot cameras typically will have fewer options (or limit the options to common presets), where more advanced cameras will bring greater flexibility of how the picture is taken, and prosumer and DSL cameras have lenses that allow for further creative picture taking options.


Controlling the aperture is an advanced technique which allows you to control the width of the lens opening (like the iris of an eye), allowing for more direct control over how much light enters the camera, and is normally referred to as an 'F-stop' or 'aperture number' such as F2.8 or F8 (a higher number refers to a smaller aperture opening, which means it is letting in less light, and a smaller number refers to a larger aperture opening - in this case, F refers to the focal length of the lens). A smaller aperture number allows you to use a shorter shutter speed (which makes it better for fast action shots), while a larger aperture allows you to use a longer shutter when there is bright light (for example, capturing the motion of a waterfall on a sunny day). Controlling the aperture also affects the depth of field within the photo (which refers to how much of the photo is in focus at the same time). For example, with landscape photography, you could use a small aperature to get a greater depth of field and have the whole scene in focus to see all the details, however with portrait or macro photography, you can use a larger aperture to get a shallow depth of field and isolate/highlight the subject by forcing the rest of the photo out of focus (DOF is also affected by focal length - the longer the focal length the less DOF, so because most smaller compact cameras have shorter focal lengths, it can be difficult for them to achieve a shallow DOF).

Shutter speed

Controlling the shutter speed can also allow you to change the feel of a photo – for example, you may want a fast shutter speed to capture fast action, sports, or other areas where you’d want to 'freeze the scene' like a busy marketplace, or use a slower shutter speed to capture low light shots or introduce a sense of motion into the photo - for example, capturing the movement of water in a waterfall or traffic along a busy city street.


In a parallel to the film camera world, digital cameras uses ISO to refer to the sensitivity of the digital sensor (in the same way that film ISO refers to the sensitivity of the film). ISO is referred to numerically, such as ISO 100 or ISO 800, with the higher value meaning more sensitive to exposure from light. Normally this is controlled automatically by the camera, but by manually changing the ISO value, you can make the camera sensor more sensitive to light, allowing you to take photos with a faster shutter speed (a shorter exposure), or with a longer exposure when working with low light. The trade-off of a higher ISO value is that it is similar to turning up the volume on a stereo when the recording is quiet - you hear the music louder, but you also hear more background noise. In the same way, using a higher ISO value will introduce more noise into the photo, although there are many noise-reduction software packages that will allow you to reduce or eliminate noise afterwards.


The use of filters or lenses can allow you to completely change how light hits the camera, for example, there are a number of add-on filters that can either soften the photo, provide slight blurring around the edges to capture a sensitive mood in portraits, add light flares for a touch of drama, or a polarizer which controls stray light and glare and provides richer, more vivid/saturated photos (if your camera doesn't support filters, one trick is to use a pair of polarizing sunglasses in front of the lens as a polarizing filter - for best results try shooting with the sun behind you). Additionally, more advanced cameras can allow you to add on lenses to the main fixed lens, or change the main lens out completely; in both cases, this can let you use a macro lens, which can help you to get closer to a subject than you otherwise would be able to, like an insect or flower, a wide angle lens for landscape shots and good for capturing landmarks or other large scenes, or a telephoto lens that can give you longer zooms than your camera allows to get closer to a distant object or subject, perfect for a safari trip.