Thursday, July 30, 2009

12 Easy Tips To Increase Car Mileage

Tip 1: Do not accelerate too fast
Too quick acceleration consumes too much fuel, accelerate slowly and gradually. That will save quite a significant amount of fuel in city driving.
Tip 2: Do not use clutch too much
If you use a manual transmission car, as is mostly used by people in India, do-not drive with clutch pressed, or use clutch only when needed, too much use of clutch will waste a lot of fuel.

Tip 3: Change gears appropriately
This is also applicable for manual transmission cars. Use correct gears at correct speeds, this will help save the fuel. For correct speeds, see your car’s user manual.

Tip 4: No Excuses to delay car service
Get the car serviced as per manufacturer’s recommended schedule. This will ensure good health of engine, less maintenance due to break-down.

Tip 5: Do you drive in dusty environment? Clean the Air-filter
If you drive in dusty environment the air-filter gets filled with dust and makes the engine suffocated. Clean the air-filter more often than the service schedule( say every 5000 KM or so) , this will help the engine run more easy and consume less fuel. Trust me, its going to really help.

Tip 6: Red-Signal Ahead? Put the feet off the accelerator If you are sure that you got to stop after next 100 or 200 meters due to a red signal, keep your feet off the accelerator and car will slow down on engine’s resistance, saving on fuel as well as the brake shoes, apply brakes only when about to stop. This is a great help to save that extra drop of fuel.

Tip 7: Air Pressure in tyres
Get the air-pressure in tyres up to the recommended pressure, and check it once at least in 15 days, it helps the car run smooth and drink less fuel.

Tip 8: Try to keep a constant max speed When driving in a city or highway, try to maintain a constant speed, that will help the engine put less effort to accelerate or decelerate unnecessarily. This will help reduce fuel consumption.

Tip 9: Keep the window’s glass rolled up on highways
Driving with AC on and glasses rolled up will actually help the car move easy because when windows are open, the car faces more air-drag due to cross ventilation through car, thus consuming more fuel. So always try to keep windows rolled up specially when driving at high speeds.

Tip 10: Buy fuel during morning hours
Buying fuel during morning hours makes sense, because the fuel is a liquid and cools during night hours as temperature is low, and it becomes more dense, so in night hours, you get more weight of fuel for same litres, so its like a bargain in fuel amount

Tip 11: Re-fuel your car when tank is close to half
This will help reduce the vapors formation in tank, which moves out as you open the lid to re-fuel, thus saving some amount of fuel in the tank.

Tip 12: Clean up the crap from the boot-space
Remove any un-necessary luggage or stuff that you don’t need from back space, that will let the car feel light and run easy on less fuel.
Save fuel, burn it less, save economy and environment both, for a greener and cleaner tomorrow.

Automatic transmission

A manual transmission is more efficient than an automatic transmission. It contains far less working components and is 15% more efficient at transferring power to the wheels than an automatic transmission. This results in less energy spent to propel the vehicle down the road for a given rpm and less fuel consumed. Manual transmissions produce much less internal friction than automatic transmissions and can save you gas at the pump.
  • When you are driving an automatic transmission, use your overdrive gears (1 and 2 on the shifting bar) whenever possible and practical to do so. These gears slow down the speed of the car’s engine, thus burning less fuel and running more gently on the engine itself.

Also try to follow a car pool if you are traveling to office or college, that is fun to be with some friends and it reduces traveling boredom too
Happy saving!