Thursday, July 30, 2009

Topic of the Day- Visa Interview

Some Tips For US Visa Interview :
  1. While there is a definite luck-factor involved, your chance s of success will greatly increase if you prepare yourself thoroughly for the interview. The preparation consists of the following.

  2. Knowing the visa officer’s concerns and strategically preparing convincing points to satisfy his concerns

  3. Practice a list of anticipated questions and practice answering them again and again. It is good to take some time out and sit quietly in a room imagining that you are in a interview and the consulate office is asking you the questions. Practice answering the questions aloud. Repeat this drill 3-4 times until you have mastered answers to all the questions. The interviewer will specifically ask some questions to the man and some to the woman and each one will be expected to answer those questions by themselves.

  4. Do not get nervous. Be confident. You will be more confident if you have prepared thoroughly. Smile when you meet the visa officer for the first time. Don’t show signs of nervousness such as flickering of eyes, trembling of fingers as that could go against you.

  5. Look into the eyes of the officer while speaking

  6. Be there a little early. You don’t have to miss your interview just because you got stuck in the traffic.

  7. Wear formal clothes as if for a formal business meetings. The interviewing officer will always be a n American. A man should always wear a tie. Americans always prefer formal attire.

  8. You should greet the officer with a smile and ‘Good Morning’ as soon as you enter the interview room.

  9. You should have a confident posture and look straight into the officer’s eyes THROUGHOUT THE INTERVIEW.

  10. Be confident in your answers, whatever you say. Make short, clear to-the-point replies in a loud and clear voice.

  11. Do not tell any thing that is irrelevant or not asked.

  12. Be polite, do not arguer and do not ask unnecessary or unrelated questions. Do not unnecessary elaborate your responses as that may not work in your favor.

  13. Demonstrate respect in your language even if you don’t feel it is being reciprocated.

  14. If you don’t understand what the Interviewer asked you, do not hesitate to ask the same question.

  15. Consular Officers are very smart in their profession. They can figure out the true intentions of the applicants, most of the time. Some of them even know the regional languages as well.

  16. If the officers ask you the ‘What If’ type of questions, don’t give the answers immediately without thinking through it.

  17. Be honest during the interview and while preparing the documents. Consular officer is not hostile to you he is just doing his duty.

  18. Always reply with correct answers. All the data while applying for the visa and details of the answers given in your interview are computerized and maintained. If your visa is rejected once, you cannot be changing your details, the next time you go for an interview.
    Your appearance should convey who you are. If you are a student you should look like one.

  19. If you are and executive then you should look like an executive. Your body language should convey friendliness but also that you are serious about your goal.

  20. Mind your manners and refrain from unnecessary body movement.

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