Wednesday, August 5, 2009

How to stop Hiccups

  1. -> Put a paper towel over a glass of water and hold it around the sides and drink through the paper towel.
  2. -> Eat a spoonful of sugar and then drink a little water.
  3. -> I always hold my breath and count to 20 then take deep breaths usually works.
  4. -> Get a 8oz glass of water, bend over as much as possible and drink slowly. It usually works on the first time if not, then for sho the second time .
  5. -> Eat one teaspoon of peanut butter - always works .... if you don't like peanut butter you can try one tablespoon of mustard .... or sugar.
  6. -> Get a cup of water and sip it 9 times fast (only 9 times). The hipcups don't have time to think. :).

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