Sunday, August 2, 2009

Natural Home Remedies for Losing Weight

  • Eat a good amount of fruits and green vegetables daily because they are low calorie food. Overweight persons can cut down on their fat intake and substitute it with these.
    Overweight people should try to avoid the intake of too much salt in food because this increases the body weight.
  • Since milk products like cheese, butter, etc. are rich in fat, the consumption of these should be avoided by overweight persons. For the same reasons, meat and non-vegetarian food should also be avoided.
  • Different kinds of spices such as dry ginger, cinnamon, black pepper and so on, are good for do away with excess fat and so should be had in a number of ways by fat people.
  • Both rice and potato are rich in carbohydrates and therefore should be avoided by those wanting to shed weight. In the cereals category, wheat is considered good.
  • Intake of certain vegetables like bitter gourd and bitter variety of drumstick are helpful for loosing excess weight.
  • Having a spoonful of honey with lukewarm water is considered the apt and the easiest natural remedy to get rid of that unwanted fat. It has to be taken early in the morning and you can also choose to add a pinch of lemon juice to it.
  • Even during fast, little honey and few drops of lemon juice in warm water is beat option for fat persons. They can take this concoction throughout the day at regular intervals.
  • Cabbage is regarded be a good natural home remedy for loosing weight. This is because the vegetable slow downs the change of sugar and other carbohydrates into fat. Cabbage can be eaten both raw as salad and cooked.
  • One should not forget exercising while following a particular diet chart because it helps in utilizing the stored up fat in the body. Brisk walking is the best form of exercise, followed by running, swimming, rowing, yoga, etc.

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